A Certain Afternoon at the Public Garden
“So in America when the sun goes down and I sit on the old broken-down river pier watching the long, long skies over New Jersey and sense all that raw land that rolls in one unbelievable huge bulge over to the West Coast, and all that road going, all the people dreaming in the immensity of it, and in Iowa I know by now the children must be crying in the land where they let the children cry, and tonight the stars'll be out, and don't you know that God is Pooh Bear? ...” (Kerouac 1957)
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Brad Parker reads Kerouac on YouTube |
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Facebook page "Jack Kerouac" |
The Kerouac Facebook page has grown to a community where more than 8,300 worldwide members discuss Kerouac each day. His work, fifty years since his premature death in 1969, is still vibrant enough to gain more readers. For such enthusiasts, the Social Media page provides two kinds of significance: information and interaction.
Information on Kerouac Page
Parker is a Kerouac expert, whose book Kerouac: An Introduction published in 1989 is perhaps the best concise introductory biography of Jack Kerouac, and he has been contributing to the Kerouac Facebook page for six years (“Brad Parker ≈ On The Road @ San Francisco Main Library”).
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Jack Kerouac by Tom Palumbo circa 1956 |
Parker is also eager to mend people's misconception of Kerouac. For instance, some might say that Kerouac was an immoral car thief and a sexual omnivore relentlessly seducing women. "But this is about Neal Cassady," Parker told me. Cassady is a person depicted as character Dean Moriarty in On the Road. As Parker sees it, Kerouac was actually “rather shy and inhibited.” Another confusing concept is “beatnik,” the word one journalist created to describe a young person who dressed and behaved in a way deviant from the society, the term being a combination of “sputnik” and “beat.” It is true that Kerouac and the Beats influenced the “beatniks” and “hippies” of the 1950s and 1960s, but Parker concludes “Kerouac never personally embraced them.”
Thanks to contributors like Brad Parker, the Kerouac Facebook page is full of valuable information. Any member can access it and deepen understanding of Kerouac and his work.
Interaction on Social Media
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CouchSurfing arranges free stay for travelers |
The same thing is seen on the Kerouac Facebook page. "When I go to Barnes and Noble, one of the largest bookstores in Boston, I find people are still buying On the Road. It's never been out of print," Parker emphasizes. The Facebook page, as well, includes many new fans, so Parker enjoys seeing their reactions and interpretations of Kerouac literature.
Such interaction has urged him to write a new book. “I'm trying to write a much larger, better, deeper biography of Jack Kerouac,” said Parker. He has recently visited the Jack Kerouac Archive at the New York Public Library to scrutinize newly-endowed materials. He is on the way of discovering the great author's real character and genius.
Inherently, we can elicit the wisdom of the crowd from Social Media. And I am one who has known the power of that Facebook page. When I looked for an audiobook of On the Road, many experts helped me find the right one. Also, Kerouac fans have no borders; we can discuss different language versions of On the Road—which has been translated into 32 languages. It is quite fascinating that we can talk about subtle differences between different translations.
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A Japanese version of "On the Road" |
Can You Hear the Beat?
“Kerouac is complex. This is why it took me years to write,” Parker grins. Such complexity can be derived from the tragic memory of older brother Gerard's young death, enthusiastic studies on philosophy, and unwavering attitude towards reaching higher levels of writing. Kerouac's writing style—spontaneous, creative and wild—is likened to a lively jazz riff. Kerouac was, as a matter of fact, a jazz fan who wrote articles about jazz for his college newspaper at Columbia University.
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Parker at Mount Auburn Cemetry, 2017 |
The spirit of Jack Kerouac has carried into Social Media, with much information and opportunities for interacting with members in various ways. The Facebook page “Jack Kerouac” is for you, from novices to experts. Did you find his novels too difficult? No worry. Just feel Kerouac's unique voice inscribed on paper. Then you will hear Kerouac's "beats" right here on Facebook.
Works Cited
Amundsen, Michael. "On the Road Jack Kerouac's Epic Autoethnography." Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, vol. 40, no. 3, Sept. 2015, pp. 31-44. EBSCOhost.
“Brad Parker ≈ On The Road @ San Francisco Main Library, January 2013. 13 February 2013.” YouTube. Web. 10 July 2017.
Kerouac, Jack. "Aftermath: The Philosophy of the Beat Generation." Esquire. 1958. Print.
Kerouac, Jack. “On the Road.” New York: Viking, 1957. Print.
Kerouac, Jack. “Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters.” London: Penguin, 1996. Print.
Parker, Brad. "Kerouac: An Introduction." Lowell: The Lowell Corporation for the Humanities, 1989. Print.
Parker, Brad. Personal interview. 9 July 2017.
Reading Kerouac by Brad Parker #1. 1 June 2017. YouTube. Web. 10 July 2017.